Tuesday, April 1, 2014



As this is my first post on this blog I would like you to show you an awesome website ebook-globe.com.
It has been made recently and has provided me with 2 awesome ebooks that I wanted to have. There, isn't to much content on it as we speak, however they add books every now and then and let you download mediafire link with the book. So so far there is a few ebooks like The Hunger Games - trilogy, Divergent-trilogy and The Fault in Our StarsThese books also work on my kindle, because of three different ebook saving files. With The Hunger Games, I got all the books in mobi,pdf and epub. Which is great if you wanna read the books on different platform or you are kindle user and you are sick of paying off amazon books. The whole website is neat and I hope they will add more ebooks to download.

If you really love a good read you should definitely check out this website, as most of the titles are pure entertainment and fun. With all downloaded ebooks I have never had a problem, and the website is great. Sometimes the download bugs it self, and just try again. See you on ebook-globe.com.

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